Dear Members,
to ensure safety and fair play on the courts, please observe the following etiquette:

  1. Stay on court until the bell rings to signify change over. At the end of play, thank all players on your court, then walk (do not run) to the board to sign up for the next court time.
  2. Sign-up only for one court time for yourself, not for others.
  3. Clearing name tags from the board is something that anyone can help with after 10 minutes has elapsed from start of play.
  4. Tennis balls are provided by the club. Three balls per court. Return extra balls to their users (court numbers are written on the balls).
  5. Do not cross or enter another court while their ball is in play.
  6. The receiving team makes the line and ball calls. The serving team keeps score.
  7. If you are not sure whether a ball is out…it is IN! Do not ask to replay the point.
  8. Proper dress code required; no sandals or going shirtless.
  9. Proper conduct at all times; no profanity, littering or spitting.

  If you have any questions or concerns, please ask the Executive Members.

The Official Rules of Tennis
Self Rating Guide

Member Coach:

Ingrid See:

Queen Elizabeth Tennis Club is affiliated with DOUGLAS PARK COMMUNITY CENTRE

For General Information please email us at:

2024 Club Executive

President: Don Robertson
Secretary: Bruce White
Treasurer: John Steiner
Membership Director: Carmen Schanofski
Social Director: N/A
IT Director: Ronald
Tournament Director: Gord Kristjanson

Where do I sign up to volunteer? 
Please contact us at with your interest and a QETC Board Member will get back to you promptly. We’d love to hear from you ❤️

Sincere thanks to all our members for their countless volunteer contributions each year. Whether the task is small or large, every contribution helps to keep our club operating at a high level for all to enjoy. From setup and take-down of the court equipment, keeping the sign-up board current, drying courts on rainy days, helping with the ball machine and tournaments and especially with all the work involved with our Socials this club truly is a marvel of co-operative effort. We couldn’t do it without you!